Webservice to Business Central – Challenge

Offering business central webservices to the world is made easy in this ERP system. Offering fast, reliable webservices is somewhat more challenging.

When you first start with webservices, and a customer ask the question: ‘I have and android app with which I pick articles for a weborder. When the weborder is picked completely on de device, I want to send the info to Business Central, and post and print immediately, so I can put the printed invoice in the box, and a label on the box. We did just that.
(It’s a little more complicated in Nav terms… register a pick, post a warehouse shipment, post a sales shipment and generated the label, post an invoice and print it… at the correct workplace of the device user but for terms of simplicity this is ignored.)
But then some strange things start happening… multiple devices do this simultaneous on picks on the same warehouse shipment, etc… And online users also to things. So locking and deadlock issues occur.

And fixing those took lot more time than initially expected.

So be careful and think deeply on how the webservices will be used in the multi-user world. A device user has no Business Central page on which he can take action in a simple manner.